I never saw my body as a problem or something to be fixed. I would want to lose weight for second but after that second had past I would go right back to not noticing, or in some cases caring what I looked like. As a child I knew that being fat was unfavourable and that no matter how small my waist was my thighs had always made my body look fatter. I always had wide hips and big legs, some which I was told I had inherited from a great-great-great dead relative and because of familial genes. But that should be a good thing right, to resemble a distant family member? Nah. Nope. Not if it means you’ll be fat.
Fashion and style was never something I was good at or interested in for a very long time. I never knew what colours work best with my skin tone or what styles would be most flattering to my shape. I was never the girl with the cutest clothes because clothes and what they looked like never meant anything to me. I recall watching Fashion Week highlights on YouTube one day and thinking to myself ‘I want to be a model’. Unfortunately I was (and still is) way too fat for mainstream modelling. So with this revelation I decided to forever look away from fashion because I saw it as something unattainable and only for small bodies.
I never hated my body but unfortunately I was indifferent to it for a lot of my life.
I think the reason for not hating was because although plus size fashion was unheard of I was always surrounded by women who loved their bodies. They didn’t come out and announce it but they showed it in ways loud and bold enough that I, an unsuspecting young woman noticed. There would be the loud prints and daring cuts and colours that I would have never thought of to wear and looking back now I think it had subconsciously made an imprint on me. The women in my life never cared about what others thought of them they just did and wore what made them comfortable. My ‘style’ now consists of clothing I feel are darish and represents me as a person. Whether it be goth-inspired or bohemian it always says me and that is what I want.
I am thankful for the popularity of blogging because I feel like without this I would have never known about the wonderful plus size bloggers and models that are taking the world by storm. Their style, creativity and confidence blew me away and opened my mind to a world I had deemed unattainable. I am not a fashion guru or anything. And although I spend hours reading fashion magazines and browsing fashion blogs I am by no means an expert at this. But I want to be better at it than I was last year. I want to access a part of this formerly unattainable thing called plus size fashion or what I like to simply call fashion, and see what part of it I can open up and explore for myself. I want to say thanks in writing to the people who helped open my eyes. Those who helped me to love my body as it is and to celebrate it no matter what.
So this is what this blog is for. A celebration of something I chose to ignore for almost half of my life and to show it and myself that I am worthy of style and attention. Keep lovely!
x Trisha x